Hi, I’m krystal.

Welcome to the space where I share all there is to know about my daily life and my journey in lactation! You could call me something like a “Jacqueline of all trades”. I am a Wife, Mother, Postpartum nurse, Lactation consultant, Sister, Friend, & a Sagittarius sun + Gemini moon. Basically we should be best friends. I say this to say health and wellness of Mamas is my passion!

I started this blog and company because I remember what it was like when I became pregnant with my first baby. I was a new graduate working as a postpartum nurse and had never really been around children. I was the baby of my family, never babysat, and changed my first diaper in nursing school. I was clueless! I might be able to save a mom and babies life but the witching hour + 4th trimester, NO ONE prepared me for that! I worked at a baby friendly hospital where I learned so much about breastfeeding. Enough that I wanted to try for myself. I didn’t have anyone to gain breastfeeding insight from within my group of friends, and I was the first in my family to breastfeed. It was a completely new experience and I needed to seek resources for a supportive journey. Parenthood can be hard, stressful, glorious, and packed with hilarious moments.

As you navigate this site I hope everyone will find something they can connect to and/or draw inspiration from. I share everything from my day to day life. Whether it be self care as a woman, the crazy life of a toddler mom, reconnecting as a wife after children, or sharing my professional life as a medical provider. So, pull up, get comfy, and stay for awhile

“If you are always trying to be normal you will never know how amazing you can be”

  • Dr. Maya Angelou